Calculator Home Screen 219
Note: When the entry contains a decimal point, the result is automatically displayed in
Recalling a Previous Entry
Recalling a Previous EntryRecalling a Previous Entry
Recalling a Previous Entry
You can recall any previous entry that is stored in the history area, even if the entry has
scrolled off the top of the screen. The recalled entry replaces whatever is currently
shown on the entry line. You can then reexecute or edit the recalled entry.
Note: You can also use the entry function to recall any previous entry. Refer to entry( ) in
the Technical Reference module.
For example:
8 8
7.95 ¸
To recall: Press: Effect:
The last entry
(if you’ve changed
the entry line)
2 `
If the last entry is still shown on the
entry line, this recalls the entry prior
to that.
Previous entries
2 `
Each press recalls the entry prior to
the one shown on the entry line.
TI-89 Titanium Display