Additional Graphing Topics 479
From the Home Screen or a Program
From the Home Screen or a ProgramFrom the Home Screen or a Program
From the Home Screen or a Program
From the Home screen, you can also use the
Define command to create a multi-
statement, user-defined function.
Information is available on copying a function from the Home screen to the Y= Editor.
From the Program Editor, you can create a user-defined function. For example, use the
Program Editor to create a function named
f1(xx). In the Y= Editor, set y1(x) = f1(x).
Graphing a Family of Curves
Graphing a Family of CurvesGraphing a Family of Curves
Graphing a Family of Curves
By entering a list in an expression, you can plot a separate function for each value in the
list. (You cannot graph a family of curves in SEQUENCE or 3D graphing mode.)
In the Y= Editor:
Func:If x< Mp Then:Return 4รนsin(x): ... :EndIf:EndFunc
Use a colon (:) to separate each statement.
Only Func is shown for a
multi-statement function.
Enter a multi-statement
function on one line. Be sure
to include colons.