Operating the Calculator 163
Entering Multiple Expressions on a Line
Entering Multiple Expressions on a LineEntering Multiple Expressions on a Line
Entering Multiple Expressions on a Line
If an Entry or Answer Is Too Long for One Line
If an Entry or Answer Is Too Long for One LineIf an Entry or Answer Is Too Long for One Line
If an Entry or Answer Is Too Long for One Line
In the history area, if both the entry and its answer cannot be displayed on one line, the
answer is displayed on the next line.
To view the entire entry or answer:
1. Press C to move the cursor from the entry line up into the history area. This
highlights the last answer.
To enter more than one expression or
instruction at a time, separate them with a
colon by pressing 2 Ë.
Displays last result only.
Ë ! is displayed when you press § to store
a value to a variable.
If an entry or answer is too long to fit on one
line, 8 is displayed at the end of the line.