Statistics and Data Plots 569
Note: For specifics about using the CBL 2 and retrieving data to the TI-89 Titanium, refer
to the guidebook that comes with the CBL 2 unit.
Referring to the CBL 2™ Lists
Referring to the CBL 2™ ListsReferring to the CBL 2™ Lists
Referring to the CBL 2™ Lists
When you perform a statistical calculation or define a plot, you can refer explicitly to the
CBL 2 list variables. For example:
Creating a Data Variable with the CBL 2™ Lists
Creating a Data Variable with the CBL 2™ ListsCreating a Data Variable with the CBL 2™ Lists
Creating a Data Variable with the CBL 2™ Lists
You can create a new data variable that consists of the necessary CBL 2 list variables.
Type the CBL 2 list variable name
instead of a column number