Additional Graphing Topics 469
Additional Graphing Topics
Additional Graphing TopicsAdditional Graphing Topics
Additional Graphing Topics
Collecting Data Points from a Graph
Collecting Data Points from a GraphCollecting Data Points from a Graph
Collecting Data Points from a Graph
From the Graph screen, you can store sets of coordinate values and/or math results for
later analysis. You can store the information as a single-row matrix (vector) on the Home
screen or as data points in a system data variable that can be opened in the Data/Matrix
Collecting the Points
Collecting the PointsCollecting the Points
Collecting the Points
1. Display the graph. (This example shows
2. Display the coordinates or math results you want to collect.
3. Save the information to the Home screen or the
sysData variable.8 · (Home
screen) or 8 b (
sysData variable)
4. Repeat the process as necessary.
Note: To display coordinates or math results, trace a function with … or perform an
Math operation (such as Minimum or Maximum). You can also use the free-
moving cursor.