If the call is transferred to someone else, notes that you created about the call are
sent with the call (for example, you can add a note such as “Customer wants to
track invoice #123987” before transferring the call to your shipping department).
When the call is complete, you can view or edit the notes for the call in the Call
Log view (see Chapter 13, “Using the Call Log View” ).
Call notification options ________________________________
When you receive a call, the “ringing bell” button appears in the system tray on
your Windows taskbar. Hold the mouse pointer over the button to see who is
calling by phone number and name, if available:
Right-click the button for a shortcut menu of call-handling commands such as
Take Call and Take Message. Double-click the button to bring the Client to the
front of your desktop.
Strata CS can also give you information about an incoming call on the phone, in
the following ways:
n Call announcing. Strata CS announces the caller’s name and gives you
the choice of accepting the call or sending it to voice mail. See “Call
announcing” on page 4-2 and “Customizing or turning off call
announcing” on page 18-3 for more information.
n Call waiting. When you are on a call, Strata CS alerts you of an incoming
call by playing the call waiting tone (two beeps). See “Call waiting” on
page 4-3 for more information.
n Caller ID display. If you have a telephone with a caller ID display, you
can use it to see the caller ID of the incoming call.
n Customized ring patterns. See the next section.
Customized ring patterns
You can set ring patterns for incoming calls of a particular category or type. The
type of ring then allows you to quickly identify the type of incoming call. For
example, you can use one ring for internal callers and two rings for external
callers. For instructions, see “Changing ring patterns” on page 18-7.
Other options for incoming calls
The Incoming Calls tab of the Options dialog box offers you other ways Strata CS
can signal an incoming call. See “Customizing incoming call behavior” on
page 18-9 for more information.