Whether this chapter applies to you ______________________
This chapter provides instructions for working as an agent in a Strata CS call
center. Whether or not this chapter applies to you depends on the Strata CS call
distribution method that your office uses, as follows:
n Use this chapter if you are an agent in a Strata CS call center queue that
was set up by using the separately purchased Strata CS call center add-on.
n Do not use this chapter if you are an agent in a Strata CS ACD
workgroup that was set up by using an ACD workgroup user and a routing
list that sends calls to agents who are members of a workgroup. If you are
an agent in an ACD workgroup, see the manual Strata CS Call Center
Administrator Guide or your Strata CS system administrator for
instructions on working as an agent.
For instructions on setting up, managing, and supervising a call center, see the
manual Strata CS Call Center Administrator Guide.
About call centers _____________________________________
A call center is a method of placing incoming calls on hold and distributing them
to a group of users. Users in call centers are called agents. Typical examples of a
call center are a sales office or a technical support department.
Basic call center terminology
The following Strata CS call center terms appear in this chapter:
n Agent. A Strata CS user who answers incoming calls to the call center.
n Queue. A call center that is set up at a single extension. Callers to that
extension who are waiting on hold are said to be “in the queue.” A call
center can have more than one queue. For example, a technical support
department can have one queue for Product A and another queue for
Product B. Each queue has its own list of agents who answer calls and its
own method of distributing calls to agents. You can be an agent for more
than one queue.
n Supervisor. An agent who has special permissions. Supervisors can
perform administrative maintenance on a queue by using the Strata CS
Administrator application, and they can view current queue statistics.
Agents can have varying levels of supervisor permission. If you have
supervisor permissions, see the manual Strata CS Call Center
Administrator Guide or your Strata CS system administrator for further
n Overflow agent. A user who answers calls to a queue only when all the
queue’s regular agents are unavailable.