For details about how to use the Client, see Chapter 7 through Chapter 18.
Using the Strata CS Web Client
If your Strata CS system administrator has installed Strata CS Web Services, you
can access a limited version of the Client—called the Web Client—by using your
Web browser. The Web Client lets you use Strata CS from any remote location
that has Internet access and from Macintosh and UNIX computers. All major
features of the Strata CS Client are available in the Web Client except those for
managing calls or making recordings. You can listen to your voice mail, manage
contacts, check your Call Log, customize your Strata CS account, and so forth.
To use the Web Client, ask your Strata CS system administrator for the Web
address to enter in your browser. In most cases, the instructions in this manual
also apply to the Web Client. You can also use the Web Client’s context-sensitive
online Help for specific instructions about a Web Client view.
Using the TAPI Service Provider and the CMA
If you make extensive use of contact management applications or customer
relationship management software such as Microsoft Outlook, GoldMine,
GoldMine FrontOffice 2000, or Act!, you can install the TAPI Service Provider
and place calls to contacts from those applications. You do not need to have the
Strata CS Client installed on your computer to use the TAPI Service Provider.
The TAPI Service Provider enables you to place calls to contacts by using your
contact manager application, just as you can place calls to contacts in the Strata
CS Client application. Ask your Strata CS system administrator to install the
Strata CS TAPI Service Provider, and then follow the instructions in your contact
manager application for placing calls.
You can also install the Strata CS CMA (Contact Manager Assistant) and receive
screen-pops for calls that show the name, the caller ID, and the time of day of the
You do not need to have the Strata CS Client installed on your computer to use
the CMA.
Note: With Interact Commerce Act!, you can receive screen-pops without
installing the CMA.
For instructions on how to use the TAPI Service Provider and the Contact
Manager Assistant, see their online Help.