Note: When your calls are forwarded, appears in the status bar.
Double-click this button to open the Call Forwarding dialog box.
Receiving forwarded ACD workgroup calls
If you receive calls as part of an ACD workgroup, and you have forwarded those
calls to another number, the ACD workgroup user’s settings override your call
forwarding settings. For example, you might have unchecked
Prompt recipient
to accept or decline call
, but you might nevertheless get prompted to accept or
decline the call when you receive an ACD call.
Placing calls at another user’s extension
Forwarding your calls to another user’s extension does not mean that you are
logged in to that user’s station. When you place outgoing calls at another user’s
phone, you are subject to the dialing restrictions and permissions that are in effect
at that user’s station. Calls that you place at another user’s station appear in the
Call Log view of that user.
To place calls as yourself from another user’s extension, log in either through the
Client or the telephone commands. If you are using the telephone commands, log
in, press
# for a dial tone, and then place your outgoing call.
When you hang up, the station reverts to its regular user.
Call forwarding and voice mail
If no one answers at your call forwarding location, the caller is transferred to your
voice mail.
To completely transfer your calls to another user's phone, so that the other user
receives your voice mail as well as the calls themselves, do not use call
forwarding. Instead, create a routing list whose only step is a final action of
Transfer to Extension, and make this routing list your active routing list. (See
“Using routing lists” on page 14-7.)
Forwarding calls over Centrex or PBX trunks
If your company has trunk lines that are connected by Centrex lines or an external
PBX, you can forward calls by using the Centrex or PBX dialing service. Doing
this frees Strata CS’s trunks to handle other calls.
You can check
Attempt Centrex/PBX transfer when you set up call forwarding
or when you set up a routing list step to a Centrex or PBX extension. If this option
is checked, Strata CS attempts to route incoming calls to the external number on
the same trunk line by using a Centrex or external PBX transfer, thus saving two