To view a contact’s Incoming Caller ID list, select the contact, choose
File > Open, and then click the Caller Identification tab.
To guarantee that Strata CS recognizes contacts, regardless of the phone number
from which they are calling, use a contact PIN. See “Using contact PINs for
guaranteed recognition” on page 15-12 for more information.
Adding phone numbers for contact recognition
You can add a phone number to a contact’s Incoming Caller ID list by doing one
of the following:
n Add a new phone number for the contact in the General tab and check Use
phone number as caller identification for this contact
. See “Entering a
new contact” on page 15-4 for more information.
n Associate the phone number from a call or voice message with the
contact. See “Associating a call or caller ID number with a contact” on
page 15-10 for more information.
Deleting a number from the Incoming Caller ID list
If Strata CS wrongly identifies a contact as the caller, it is likely that the Incoming
Caller ID list for that contact includes an incorrect phone number. You can
prevent further misidentification by deleting the phone number from the list.
1. Double-click the contact from whom you want to delete a phone
number. The Contact dialog box opens.
2. Click the Caller Identification tab.
3. In the Incoming Caller ID list, select a phone number.