n Using the contact’s name, rather than the caller ID name (see “You can
teach Strata CS to recognize contacts when they call.” on page 15-8 and
“Associating a call or caller ID number with a contact” on page 15-10)
Note: Strata CS automatically identifies other Strata CS users when they call.
The benefits of having Strata CS recognize contacts include:
n Their names appear in the Call Monitor view while the phone is ringing
to let you know who is calling.
n Their names appear in the Call Log and Voice Messages views, so that
you can easily see contacts in your phone record and call them back.
n You can use call rules to set up individualized call handling for them, such
as playing a unique voice-mail greeting or routing their calls according to
a specific routing list (see Chapter 16).
n Their names are displayed on your caller ID phone, if you have one.
n You can exempt them from the Do Not Disturb personal status, so that
their calls ring your phone when others are sent directly to voice mail.
One form of identification, caller ID from the phone company, is available
automatically for every call. The phone number and caller ID name of the caller
appear in the Number column of the Call Monitor, the Call Log, and the Voice
Messages views.
You can teach Strata CS to recognize contacts when they call.
Identifying contacts by name
Each contact has a list of associated phone numbers called the Incoming Caller
ID list. When a call arrives from one of those phone numbers, Strata CS identifies
that contact.
The Incoming Caller ID list can include caller ID names as well as phone
numbers. See “Understanding name and number on caller ID” on page 15-12 for
pointers on which item is more useful for identifying a given contact.