Some views contain toolbar buttons that are not found in other views.
In any view, clicking the left-most toolbar button creates a new item for that view.
For example, in the Call Monitor view, clicking the left-most button lets you place
a new call:
You can also click the small arrow to the right of that button for a menu that lets
you create any new Client item. The arrow is available in every view.
The view bar
The view bar, the vertical pane on the left side of the Client, provides single-click
access to the Client views. See “The Client views” on page 7-8.
The Folder List
The folder list is a vertical pane next to the view bar. It provides access to the
Client views and their associated folders, public Strata CS information in your
office, and folders that other users have shared with you. When you first start the
Client, the Folder List is hidden. To show it, choose
View > Folder List. See
“Using the Folder List” on page 7-16.
The status bar
The status bar is located at the bottom of the Client window.
The status bar gives you quick access to the following information:
Hiding and showing Client window elements
You can hide or show each of the Client window elements except the menu bar.
Use the
View menu commands to toggle an element between hidden and shown.
For example, to hide or show the status bar choose
View > Status bar.
Customizing the Client display
You can further customize the appearance and features of the Client. See
“Customizing the Client display” on page 18-10 for more information.