144 Programming the VT1422A for Data Acquisition and Control Chapter 4
Status Bit Descriptions
Questionable Data Group
Bit Bit Value Event Name Description
8 256 Lost Calibration At *RST or Power-on Control Processor has found a checksum error in the
Calibration Constants. Read error(s) with SYST:ERR? query and re-calibrate areas
that lost constants.
9 512 Trigger Too Fast Scan not complete when another trigger event received.
10 1024 FIFO Overflowed Attempt to store more than 65,024 values in FIFO.
11 2048 Overvoltage
(Detected on Input)
If the input protection jumper has not been cut, the input relays have been opened
and *RST is required to reset the module. Overvoltage will also generate an error.
12 4096 VME Memory
The number of values taken exceeds VME memory space.
13 8192 Setup Changed Channel Calibration in doubt because SCP setup may have changed since last
*CAL? or CAL:SETup command. (*RST always sets this bit.)
Operation Status Group
Bit Bit Value Event Name Description
0 1 Calibrating Set by CAL:TARE and CAL:SETup. Cleared by CAL:TARE? and CAL:SETup?. Set
while *CAL? executing, then cleared.
4 16 Measuring Set when instrument INITiated. Cleared when instrument returns to Trigger Idle
8 256 Scan Complete Set when each pass through a Scan List is completed.
9 512 SCP Trigger Reserved for future SCPs.
10 1024 FIFO Half Full FIFO contains at least
32,768 values.
11 2048 Algorithm Interrupt The interrupt() function was called in an executing algorithm.
Standard Event Group
Bit Bit Value Event Name Description
0 1 Operation Complete *OPC command executed and instrument has completed all pending operations.
1 2 Request Control Not used by VT1422A
2 4 Query Error Attempting to read empty output queue or output data lost.
3 8 Device Dependent Error A device-dependent error occurred. See Appendix B page 453.
4 16 Execution Error Parameter out of range or instrument cannot execute a proper command because
it would conflict with another instrument setting.
5 32 Command Error Unrecognized command or improper parameter count or type.
6 64 User Request Not used by VT1422A.
7 128 Power-On Power has been applied to the instrument.