358 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
[SENSe:]REFerence:CHANnels (@<ref_channel>),(@<ch_list>) causes channel
specified by <ref_channel> to appear in the scan list just before the channel(s)
specified by <ch_list>. This command is used to include the thermocouple reference
temperature channel in the scan list before other thermocouple channels are measured.
• Use SENS:FUNC:TEMP to configure channels to measure thermocouples.
Then use SENS:REF to configure one or more channels to measure an
isothermal reference temperature. Now use SENS:REF:CHAN to group the
reference channel with its thermocouple measurement channels in the scan list.
• If thermocouple measurements are made through more than one isothermal
reference panel, set up a reference channel for each. Execute the
SENS:REF:CHAN command for each reference/measurement channel group.
• Related commands: SENS:FUNC:TEMP, SENS:REF
• *RST Condition: No channels are linked to references.
• Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
Usage SENS:FUNC:TEMP TC,E,.0625,(@108:115)
E type TCs on channels 8 through 15
SENS:REF THER,5000,1,(@106)
Reference ch is thermistor at channel 6
SENS:REF RTD,85,.25,(@107)
Reference ch is RTD at channel 7
SENS:REF:CHAN (@106),(@108:111)
Thermistor measured before chs 8 - 11
SENS:REF:CHAN (@107),(@112:115)
RTD measured before chs 12 - 15
[SENSe:]REFerence:CHANnels:POST (@<ref_channel>),(@<ch_list>) links
the thermocouple channel(s) specified by <ch_list> to the temperature reference
(thermistor) channel specified by <ref_channel>. The reference channel must be on
the same VT1529B as the thermocouple channels.
The ROUT:SEQ:DEF command must be used to include the thermocouple channels
in the scan list.
This command is valid only on the VT1529B and is available with VXIplug&play
driver revision A.01.09 or later (revision A.01.06 or later of hpe1422_32.dll).
Range of
ref_channel channel list (string) 100 - 163 none
ch_list channel list (string) 100 - 163 none