VT1422A Command Reference 403Chapter 7
IEEE-488.2 Common Command Reference
*OPC? Operation Complete Query. Causes an instrument to place a 1 into the
instrument's output queue when all pending instrument operations invoked by SCPI
commands are finished. By requiring the computer to read this response before
continuing program execution, synchronization can be ensured between one or more
instruments and the computer. The data type for this returned value is int16.
Note Do not use *OPC? to determine when the CAL:SETUP or CAL:TARE commands
have completed. Instead, use their query forms CAL:SETUP? or CAL:TARE?.
If an algorithm is running continuously, then *OPC? will never return (will "hang").
In this case, send a device clear, then *RST or ABORT to stop the algorithm. *OPC?
must be used with care when the VT1422A is INITiated.
*PMC Purge Macros Command. Purges all currently defined macros.
*RMC <name> Remove individual Macro Command. Removes the named macro
*RST Reset Command. Resets the VT1422A as follows:
• Erases all algorithms
• All elements in the Input Channel Buffer (I100 - I163) set to zero.
• All elements in the Output Channel Buffer (O100-O163) set to zero
• Defines all Analog Input channels to measure voltage
• Configures all Digital I/O channels as inputs
• Resets VT1531A and VT1532A Analog Output SCP channels to zero
• When Accepted: Not while INITiated
• Use VXIplug&play function: hpe1422_reset(...)
WARNING Note the change in character of output channels when *RST is
received. Digital outputs change to inputs (appearing now is
1 kΩ to +3 V, a TTL one) and analog control outputs change to zero
(current or voltage). Keep these changes in mind when applying the
VT1422A to the system or engineering a system for operation with the
VT1422A. Also, note that each analog output channels disconnects for
5 - 6 milliseconds to discharge to zero at each *RST.