170 Advanced Programming with the VT1529B Chapter 5
Temperature Measurements
The VT1529B adds the capability to measure E, J, and T type thermocouples
in addition to strain (other thermocouple types are not supported with the
new functionality). Either the VT1586A Rack-Mount Terminal Panel or a
user provided isothermal panel can be used. For this discussion, assume that
the VT1586A and the VT1529B option 002 VT1586A-to-VT1529B cable
are being used.
Note If thermocouple types other than E, J, or T need to be used, they must be
configured for dc voltage measurements and their compensation routines
must be provided.
Connecting the
VT1586A to the
To use the VT1586A with the VT1529B, the VT1529B option 002
VT1586A-to-VT1529B cable should be used. This cable provides
connections for up to sixteen channels of temperature measurements
(therefore, two cables are required for the 32 channels on a VT1586A).
Note For each VT1586A used with the VT1529B, two channels for the reference
thermistor measurement must be dedicated. This leaves thirty channels for
thermocouple measurements, unless the VT1586A is in a temperature-
controlled environment and SENS:REF:TEMP:POST is used to specify the
reference temperature for the EU conversion routines.
On one end of the cable, there is a SCSI connector that plugs into one of the
two SCSI jacks on the back of the VT1586A. On the other end, there are
sixteen RJ-45 jacks that plug into the front of VT1529B. The RJ-45 jacks are
numbered to make the interconnection easy. Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3 show
how to make the connections.