420 Specifications Appendix A
The following specifications reflect the performance of the VT1422A with the VT1501A Direct Input Signal Conditioning Plug-on.
The performance of the VT1422A with other SCPs is found in the Specifications section of that SCP’s manual.
Trigger Timer and
Sample Timer Accuracy
100 ppm (0.01%) from -10 °C to +70 °C
External Trigger Input
TTL compatible input. Negative true edge triggered except first trigger will occur if
external trigger input is held low when module is INITiated. Minimum pulse width
100 ns. Since each trigger starts a complete scan of two or more channel
readings, maximum trigger rate depends on module configuration.
Maximum Input Voltage
(Normal mode plus common mode)
With Direct Input, Passive Filter or Amplifier SCPs:
Operating: <
±16 V
Damage level: >±42 V
With VT1513A Divide by 16 Attenuator SCP:
Operating: <
±60 V dc, <±42 V
Maximum Common Mode
With Direct Input, Passive Filter or Amplifier SCPs:
Operating: <
±16 V
Damage level: >±42 V
With VT1513A Divide by 16 Attenuator SCP:
Operating: <
±60 V dc, <±42 V
Common Mode Rejection
0 to 60 Hz -105 dB
Input Impedance
greater than 90 MΩ differential
(1 MΩ with VT1513A Attenuator)
On-Board Current Source
122 µA
±0.02%, with ±17 volts Compliance
Maximum TARE CAL Offset
SCP Gain = 1 (Maximum tare offset depends on A/D range and SCP gain)
A/D range
± V F.Scale
16 4 1 0.25 0.0625
Max Offset 3.2213 0.82101 0.23061 0.07581 0.03792
Measurement Accuracy
dc volts
(90 days) 23 °C
±1 °C (with *CAL? done after 1 hr warm up and CAL:ZERO? within 5 min.).
NOTE: If autoranging is ON:
for readings < 3.8 V, add
±0.02% to linearity specifications.
for readings ≥ 3.8 V, add
±0.05% to linearity specifications.
A/D range
± V F. Scale
% of Reading
Offset Error Noise
3 sigma
3 sigma