VT1422A Command Reference 349Chapter 7
• If using amplifier SCPs, set them first and keep their settings in mind when
specifying a range setting. For instance, if the expected signal voltage is to be
approximately 0.1 V dc and the amplifier SCP for that channel has a gain of 8,
<range> must be set no lower than 1 V dc or an input out-of-range condition
will exist.
• The VT1529A/B has a fixed gain of 32. Keep this in mind when <range> is set.
• The channel calibration command (*CAL?) calibrates the excitation voltage
source on each Bridge Completion SCP.
• When Accepted: Not while INITiated
• Related Commands: *CAL?, [SENSE:]STRAIN…
• *RST Condition: SENSE:FUNC:VOLT AUTO on all channels and bridges set
to FBEN on all strain channels
• Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
Usage SENS:FUNC:STRAIN:QUAR 1,(@100,105,107)
quarter bridge conversion for channels 0,
5, and 7
FUNC:STRAIN:FBEN 1,(@10800:10931)
full bridge conversion for VT1529A/B
channels 0800 to 0931 (64 channels)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FBENding:POST [<rng>,](@<exc_ch>),(@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FBPoisson:POST [<rng>,](@<exc_ch>),(@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FPOisson:POST [<rng>,](@e<exc_ch>),(@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:HBENding:POST [<rng>,](@<exc_ch>),(@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:HPOisson:POST [<rng>,](@<exc_ch>),(@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain[:QUARter]:POST [<rng>,](@<exc_ch>),(@<ch_list>]
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:Q120:POST [<rng>,](@<exc_ch>),(@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:Q350:POST [<rng>,](@<exc_ch>),(@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:USER:POST [<rng>,](@<exc_ch>),(@<ch_list>)
A Note on Syntax: Although the post-processing strain function is comprised of nine
separate SCPI commands, their syntax and function is so similar they are discussed
in a single reference entry.