VT1529A/B Verification & Calibration 465Appendix C
Note For a quick functional check of the VT1529A/B, perform only the
VT1422A Self-Test.
Note The VT1422A VXIplug&play Soft Front Panel can be used to enter the
commands and queries described in the test procedures.
Test V-1: Self-Test
Description This test performs a self-test on the VT1529A/B by running the VT1422A
self-test. This self-test checks much of the basic functionality of the
Setup The VT1529A/B must be connected to the VT1422A through the VT1539A
SCP. The dummy load is not required for this test, but may be connected.
Procedure Send the DIAG:TEST:REM:SELF? (@<ch_list>) query to the VT1422A
module. The expected return value is “+0”.
Troubleshooting Failures One problem with the current VT1422A drivers is that a failure on one
channel will can cause the VT1422A to report that all channels failed. This
can make it difficult to find the channel that is failing. It may be easiest to
let all the tests run and then look at the channels with the most failures.
See “DIAGnostic:TEST:REMote:SELFtest?” on page 288 for details on the
self-test, return values and possible causes.
Test V-2: Cal
Description This test performs a calibration of the VT1529A/B by running the VT1422A
remote calibration command. The calibration sequence checks the results
for reasonable values and reports errors.
This test requires that the time since the last *CAL? calibration be less than
8 hours. The test program (perf_e1529.c) insures this by forcing a *CAL at
the beginning of the program.
Setup The VT1529A/B must be connected to the VT1422A through the VT1539A
SCP. The dummy load is not required for this test, but may be connected.
Procedure If necessary, send the *CAL? query to the VT1422A (required if more than
8 hours has elapsed since the last *CAL? command). The expected return
value is “+0”.
Send the CAL:REMote? (@<ch_list>) query to the VT1422A module.
The expected return value is “+0”.