Cisco SCA BB SNMP Real Time Monitoring User Guide
OL-12491-01 2-1
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Using MRTG and RRDTool for Real-Time SNMP Monitoring 2-1
• Web Server Configuration 2-2
• Using the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility 2-3
• Installing the RTMCMD Utility and the RTM Report Templates 2-4
Using MRTG and RRDTool for Real-Time SNMP Monitoring
To produce graphics to monitor your network in real time using MRTG and RRDTool, follow
these general steps:
Step 1 Install MRTG (requires Perl installation) and RRDTool
Step 2 Install Cron or any other scheduling service
Step 3 Install a web server. Configure the web server to allow CGI script execution and directories
automatic listings. See Web Server Configuration (on page 2-2).
Step 4 Create the RTM directory under the web server web documents directory tree. See The RTM
Directory (on page 1-6).
Step 5 For each SCE device that you want to monitor, create the necessary CFG and CGI files. The CFG
and CGI files reflect the service configuration applied to the monitored SCE devices. Cisco
Service Control provides a utility to automatically create the files necessary to produce a range of
pre-defined reports (see Using the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility (on page
2-3) and The Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility (on page 3-1)).
Step 6 Install the MRTG CFG and Report CGI files on the RTM setup.
Step 7 Configure the cron job to periodically invoke MRTG on the MRTG CFG files created for each
SCE device.
Step 8 Monitor the reports using a web browser.
a) Browse to the root of the RTM directory and select an SCE device.
Getting Started