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15. Press NEXT to advance to the next component to
be tested.
16. To test WARMER, press ON. If the warmer is
functional, the light on the lower right corner of the
warmer switch will illuminate.
17. Press OFF to end testing of server.
18. Press NEXT to advance to the next component to
be tested.
19. To test REFILL VALVE, press ON. If the refill valve
is functional, the sound of the valve operating will
be heard.
20. Press OFF to end testing of refill valve.
21. Press NEXT to advance to the next component to
be tested.
22. To test TANK HEATER, connect a voltmeter to the
tank heater to check for voltage.
23. Press ON. The correct voltage should be present at
the heater terminals.
24. Press OFF to end testing of the tank heaters.
NOTE: The tank heater will automatically turn off if left
on too long.
25. After testing the tank heater, press NEXT to ad-
vance to the next test.
26. Press NEXT to return to TEST OUTPUTS.
27. To exit SERVICE TOOLS, press the "ON/OFF/
LOWER" pad located on the front switch panel.
This will return to the MAIN SCREEN.
Procedure to test switches:
This function allows the operator to test the opera-
tion of the individual switches on the front panel.
1. Place brew funnel into rails on the brewer.
2. Place a server beneath the brew funnel.
3. Press and hold the ® pad until the display reads
WARMER OFF. Release the ® pad. Continue press-
ing and releasing the ® pad until SERVICE TOOLS
4. Press YES to run tests on various components and
outputs within the brewer. (Pressing NO will exit
this function and advance to the next function
5. The display should read TEST OUTPUTS.
6. In TEST OUTPUTS screen, press NO. This ad-
vances to TEST SWITCHES.
7. Pressing NO in this screen will advance to the next
function. Press YES in the TEST SWITCHES screen
to test the switches. The display will read NOTH-
8. From this screen, press any of the switches on the
front of the brewer. While the switch is pressed,
the display shows the name of that switch. If the
name does not appear, or if it remains after the
switch has been released, the switch is defective.
Each switch can be tested in this manner.
9. After all switches have been tested, press the ®
pad located on the front switch panel. This will exit
TEST SWITCHES and return to the MAIN SCREEN.
Procedures to test coil frequency:
1. Place brew funnel into rails of the brewer.
2. Place a server beneath the brew funnel.
3. Press and hold the ® pad until the display reads
WARMER OFF. Release the ® pad. Continue press-
ing and releasing the ® pad until SERVICE TOOLS
4. Pressing NO will exit this function and advance to
the next function screen. Press YES to run tests on
various components and outputs within the brewer.
5. The display should read TEST OUTPUTS.
6. In TEST OUTPUTS screen, press NO. Continue to
press and release NO until the display reads TEST
7. Press and release YES. The display will show the
frequency of the sensor coil circuits. This is for
diagnostic service use when troubleshooting this
8. After the coils have been tested, press and release
the "ON/OFF/LOWER" pad located on the front
switch panel. This will exit the TEST FREQUENCY
function and return to the MAIN SCREEN.
NOTE: If the operator wishes to test more than one
function in the SERVICE TOOLS section (outputs,
switches, warmers, or coil frequency), it is not neces-
sary to exit the program. Use the flow chart for
SERVICE TOOLS to navigate to a particular function.
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