Carrier 17 Refrigerator User Manual

Table 1 17/19EX Heat Exchanger, Economizer/Storage Vessel, Piping, and Pumpout Unit Weights*
Dry Operating†† Refrigerant Water
lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
lb kg lb kg lb kg lb gal kg L
31 14,173 6 429 17,518 7 946 1,540 699 1,810 217 821 821
7,169 3252 610 277 820 372
210 95
32 14,538 6 594 18,117 8 218 1,640 744 1,944 233 882 882
33 14,904 6 760 18,722 8 492 1,740 789 2,078 249 943 943
41 21,674 9 831 26,120 11 848 1,900 862 2,441 293 1 107 1 107
7,169 3 252 610 277 1,095 497
42 22,019 9 988 26,736 12 127 2,000 907 2,575 309 1 168 1 168
43 22,364 10 144 27,322 12 393 2,100 953 2,709 325 1 229 1 229
44 23,841 10 814 29,836 13 533 2,190 993 3,285 394 1 490 1 490
45 25,032 11 354 30,790 13 966 2,260 1 025 3,006 361 1 363 1 363
7,900 3 583 840 381 1,149 521
46 25,529 11 580 31,658 14 360 2,360 1 070 3,192 383 1 448 1 448
47 26,025 11 805 32,496 14 740 2,460 1 116 3,378 405 1 532 1 532
48 28,153 12 770 36,053 16 353 2,540 1 152 4,173 500 1 893 1 893
Dry Operating†† Refrigerant Water
lb kg lb kg lb kg lb gal kg L
31 10,454 4 742 13,022 5 907 950 431 1,613 193 732 732
32 10,809 4 903 13,514 6 130 950 431 1,750 210 794 794
33 11,164 5 064 14,000 6 350 950 431 1,886 226 855 855
41 13,768 6 245 16,999 7 711 1,090 494 2,146 257 973 973
42 14,118 6 404 17,498 7 937 1,090 494 2,282 274 1 035 1 035
43 14,468 6 563 17,978 8 155 1,090 494 2,419 290 1 097 1 097
45 16,676 7 564 20,800 9 435 1,400 635 2,720 326 1 234 1 234
46 17,172 7 789 21,489 9 747 1,400 635 2,908 348 1 319 1 319
47 17,669 8 015 22,178 10 060 1,400 635 3,096 371 1 404 1 404
51 17,188 7 796 20,993 9 522 1,100 499 2,707 325 1 228 1 228
52 17,848 8 096 21,923 9 944 1,100 499 2,964 355 1 344 1 344
53 18,400 8 346 22,682 10 288 1,100 499 3,178 381 1 442 1 442
55 20,725 9 401 25,598 11 611 1,420 644 3,453 412 1 566 1 566
56 21,663 9 826 26,896 12 199 1,420 644 3,808 457 1 727 1 727
57 22,446 10 181 27,980 12 691 1,420 644 4,105 492 1 862 1 862
*If a machine configuration other than 2-pass, 150 psig (1034 kPa), NIH waterbox configuration is used, refer to Tables 3
and 4 to obtain the additional dry and water weights that must be added to the values shown in this table.
†Cooler and condenser weights shown are based upon 2-pass, nozzle-in-head (NIH) waterboxes with 150 psig (1034 kPa)
covers. Includes components attached to cooler, but does not include suction/discharge, elbow, or other interconnecting
**Dry weight includes all components attached to economizer: Covers, float valves, brackets, control center (31 lb [14 kg]),
and power panel (20 lb [9 kg]). Dry weight does not include compressor weight, motor weight, or pumpout condensing unit
weight. The pumpout condensing unit weight is 210 lb (95 kg). For compressor and motor weights, refer to Tables 6, 7, 8,
10A, and 10B.
††Operating weight includes the sum of the dry weight, refrigerant weight, and water weight.
Table 2 Refrigerant Charge
Cooler Condenser lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
31 31 1540 699 950 431
610 277
3100 1 406
32 32 1640 744 950 431 3200 1 452
33 33 1740 789 950 431 3300 1 497
41 41 1900 862 1090 494 3600 1 633
42 42 2000 907 1090 494 3700 1 678
43 43 2100 953 1090 494 3800 1 724
44 51 2190 993 1100 499 3900 1 769
44 52 2190 993 1100 499 3900 1 769
44 53 2190 993 1100 499 3900 1 769
45 45 2260 1 025 1400 635
844 381
4500 2 041
46 46 2360 1 070 1400 635 4600 2 087
47 47 2460 1 116 1400 635 4700 2 132
48 55 2540 1 152 1420 644 4800 2 177
48 56 2540 1 152 1420 644 4800 2 177
48 57 2540 1 152 1420 644 4800 2 177
*Total machine refrigerant charge includes the cooler, condenser, and economizer.
NOTE: Regulations mandate that machine shipping charge is limited to 7500 lb (3402 kg).