9. Bulk Oil System: Press the (2) button to run the pump again if the pan
has oil remaining; otherwise continue to the next step.
10. Bulk Oil System: Once the pan is empty, press the (1) button (see Figure
Bulk Oil System: The computer displays CLOSE DISPOSE VALVE.
11. Bulk Oil System: Close the dispose valve by pushing the valve handle until
it stops.
Bulk Oil System: The computer displays INSERT PAN. Insert the pan.
12. Bulk or JIB System: The drain valve closes and the computer displays SOLUTION
added? alternating with Yes. Fill frypot to be cleaned with water and cleaning solution
mix. Referring to maintenance requirement card and Kay Chemical provided instructions “Fryer
Deep Clean Procedure” for McDonald’s deep clean (boil-out) procedure.
13. Bulk or JIB System: Press the (1 yes) button to continue and start the
cleaning procedure.
The computer displays DEEP CLEAN, alternating with a countdown timer starting at 60:00
minutes on the display. The vat heats to 195° F (91° C) for one hour. To cancel DEEP CLEAN,
press and hold the (2) button for three seconds. The computer displays IS SOLUTION
REMOVED? alternating with YES. Skip to step 15.
After one hour the heater shuts off and the computer displays CLEAN DONE with an alarm.
14. Bulk or JIB System: Press the (1 yes) button to silence the alarm.
15. Bulk or JIB System: The computer displays IS SOLUTION REMOVED? alternating with
YES. Remove solution following Kay Chemical instructions.
16. Bulk or JIB System: Remove the filter pan and remove crumb basket, hold-down ring, filter pad
and screen. Replace empty filter pan in fryer.
Allow deep-clean (boil-out) solution to cool to 100°F (38°C) before disposal,
otherwise hot liquid can cause injury.
NOTE: Refer to Kay Chemical provided instructions “Fryer Deep Clean Procedure”
for instructions to remove cleaning solution.
17. Bulk or JIB System: Once the solution is removed, press the (1 yes)