total capacity by the percentage entered for
Parameter P16 and uses that value as the initial
average daily usage for each day of the week until
water usage establishes new averages. The default is
set for 30% of the capacity. In most installations this is
• Parameter P17 has been preset to 0. Do not change
this setting. P17 must be set to 2 for Performa 960 FA
• Parameter P18 allows the installer to lock the
Regenerant Dosage and Capacity values so they
cannot be changed. When Parameter 18 is set to 1,
those two settings can only be viewed when the
control is in the Level II mode. The settings will be
skipped when the control is in the Level I mode. When
Parameter 18 is set to zero, the Regenerant Dosage
and Capacity can be viewed and changed in either
Level I or Level II.
• Parameter P19 is used at the factory to enter default
values. This parameter does not need to be changed.
Using this parameter will erase the values for all other
parameters and replace them with default values.
Improper regenerations will occur if P19 is set to a 0 or
3. P19 should be set on default number 99.
When the control begins a regeneration, the display will
alternate between Time of Day and Regen Time
Remaining. The Regen Time Remaining is shown in
minutes. The control will start and stop an internal motor
which drives the cam gear through the various
regeneration positions. The control uses the information
entered in the parameters shown in Table 8 to determine
how long each part of the cycle should last.
If power fails during a regeneration cycle, the cycle
completes normally when the power is restored.
Note: The REGEN button is only active when the display is
alternating between Time of Day and Capacity. When
programming Level I or II parameters, the REGEN button is
not active.
The Regen Time Remaining in regeneration will continue to
count down until the cam gear reaches the Service
Manual Regeneration
To initiate a manual regeneration, press the REGEN button.
This button is located on the front of the control. When you
press the REGEN button, the control performs a full
regeneration of the conditioner.
If you press this button again more than one minute after
regeneration begins, but before the regeneration is
complete, a second regeneration will start when the first
regeneration is finished. The display will freeze and only
show the Regen Time Remaining as an indication that the
second regeneration will be performed. When the first
regeneration is complete, the second one will begin and
the display will alternate between Time of Day and Regen
Time Remaining.
Automatic Regeneration
There are two ways to have the control automatically
initiate a regeneration: calendar override or normal
metered water usage.
Calendar Override
This feature is set in parameter P14. It can be set for 1 to
30 days. If it is set to zero, this feature is disabled. When
this feature is active, the control keeps track of the number
of days since the last regeneration and when that number
equals the value set in P14, a regeneration is automatically
started at the Time of Regeneration set in P2.
Normal Metered Water Usage
The control compares the water usage to the calculated
volume capacity of the system.The control uses the
Capacity parameter P5 divided by the Factor A parameter
P3 to calculate the volume capacity of the system. It also
uses a reserve value to determine if a regeneration is
necessary. If the water usage since the last regeneration is
greater than the system capacity minus the reserve, a
regeneration is needed.
Note: If the water usage exceeds 150% of the system
capacity between regenerations, the control will
automatically call for a second regeneration the next day
even if no water is used. This feature is included to make
sure that an exhausted filter bed is completely recharged.
Reserve Options
There are two types of reserve options for this control:
fixed reserve and historical water usage pattern. They are
selected with parameter P15.
Fixed Reserve
When the fixed reserve is selected, the control multiplies
the maximum system capacity by the percent value set in
parameter P16 and uses the result as a reserve.