Henny Penny PFE-590 Fryer User Manual

Model PFE- 590/592
air valve a valve that allows air into the filter lines when the pump is on in the mixing
mode on eight head fryers
airflow switch a switch that senses the amount of airflow coming from the blower; if the airflow
falls below a certain level, the switch cuts power to the gas control valve that
shuts down the burners on gas eight head fryers
blower located on the rear of a gas eight head fryer, the blower pulls flue gases out of
the flue and provides the proper amount of air to the burner tubes for efficient
breading a flour and seasoning mixture used to coat the product prior to frying
burner assembly an assembly on gas fryers that houses the pilot light which ignites the gas that
(gas fryers only) heats the fryer
burner chamber the area on four head fryers in which the gas combustion that heats the
(gas fryers only) shortening takes place
burner tubes the tubes in eight head fryers through which heated air is forced to heat the
(gas fryers only) shortening
carrier a wire frame inside the eight head frypot that holds five racks of product during the
cook cycle
casters the wheels on bottom of the fryer that allow the unit to roll; casters should be
locked when unit is in use and not being moved; casters may be adjusted to help
level the fryer
cleaning solution an agent used to clean the frypot; see recommended cleaning procedures
cold zone an area in the bottom of the frypot where shortening is cooler than the area
above; the zone allows the crumbs to settle without burning
condensation drain pan a pan located at the bottom of the fryer that collects condensation from the steam
exhaust system; the pan should be removed and emptied periodically
cook cycle a programmed cycle that cooks a particular product at a preselected temperature
and for a preselected time
cooking load the amount of product cooked during a cook cycle
cool a preset temperature, usually 250° F (121° C) or less, which can be manually or
automatically switched to, to save the life of the shortening, when not cooking.
counterweight the weights shipped with the fryer that, when installed in the counterweight
assembly, enable the eight head fryer lid to lift easily
403 G-1