4–2 404569-001 Service Reference Guide, dcx210 MT
Serial and Parallel ATA Drive Guidelines and Features
4.2 SATA Hard Drive Cables
4.2.1 SATA Data Cable
Always use an HP approved SATA 3.0 Gb/s cable as it is fully backwards compatible with the
SATA 1.5 Gb/s drives.
SATA data cables are susceptible to damage if overflexed. Never crease a SATA data cable and
never bend it tighter than a 30 mm (1.18 in) radius.
The SATA data cable is a thin, 7-pin cable designed to transmit data for only a single drive. As
shown in the table, each cable has 3 grounds, and 4 transmit/receive pins.
4.2.2 SATA Power Cable
Pin Number Usage Device Plug Host Plug
P1 Ground Ground Ground
P2* A+ Transmit data Receive data
P3* A- Transmit data Receive data
P4 Ground Ground Ground
P5** B- Receive data Transmit data
P6** B+ Receive data Transmit data
P7 Ground Ground Ground
*P2 and P3 differential signal pair
**P5 and P6 differential signal pair
Pin Usage Notes Pin Usage Notes
P1 V3.3 3.3 V power P9 V5 5 V power
P2 V3.3 3.3 V power P10 Ground
P3 V3.3 3.3 V power P11 Ground
P4 Ground P12 Ground
P5 Ground P13 V 12 12 V power
P6 Ground P14 V12 12 V power
P7 V5 5 V power P15 V12 12 V power
P8 V5 5 V power