Related concepts:
v “About the Release Notes” in Release notes
v “DB2 database object naming rules” in Administration Guide: Implementation
v “DB2 Information Center installation options” in Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers
Related tasks:
v “Notification and contact list setup and configuration” in Administration Guide:
v “Tools catalog database and DB2 administration server (DAS) scheduler setup
and configuration” in Administration Guide: Implementation
v “Migrating a DB2 server (Windows)” in Migration Guide
v “Setting up a partitioned database environment” in Quick Beginnings for DB2
v “Using the Default DB2 Selection wizard (Windows)” in Quick Beginnings for
DB2 Servers
Related reference:
v “UPDATE ADMIN CONFIGURATION command” in Command Reference
v “Multiple DB2 copies roadmap” in Administration Guide: Implementation
v “Disk and memory requirements” on page 3
v “Installation requirements for DB2 clients and servers (Windows)” on page 5
v “Language identifiers for running the DB2 Setup wizard in another language”
on page 67
Installing DB2 servers (Linux)
This task describes how to start the DB2 Setup wizard on Linux systems. The DB2
Setup wizard is used to define your installation preferences and to install your
DB2 product on your system.
Before you start the DB2 Setup wizard:
v Ensure that your system meets installation, memory, and disk requirements.
v You must have root authority to perform the installation.
v The DB2 product image must be available.
v The DB2 Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X windows
software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 Setup
wizard to run on your machine. Ensure that the X windows server is running.
Ensure that you have properly exported your display. For example, export
v If NIS/NIS+ or similar security software is used in your environment, you must
manually create required DB2 users before you start the DB2 Setup wizard.
Refer to the referenced Centralized user-management considerations topic before
you begin.
The use of XML features is restricted to a database that is defined with the code set
UTF-8 and has only one database partition.
Chapter 2. Installation 19