Appendix A. Installing DB2 servers using response files
Response file installation basics
Unlike the DB2 Setup wizard, a DB2 response file installation lets you install DB2
products without any user interaction.
A response file is a text file that contain setup and configuration information. A
response file specifies configuration and setup parameters and the products and
components to install.
This method is useful not only for large-scale deployments of DB2 products, but
also for embedding the DB2 installation process transparently inside your
customized installation and configuration procedure.
You can create a response file by any of the following methods:
v Modifying one of the sample response files that are provided. Sample response
files are located in the DB2 product CD under the directory:
where platform refers to the appropriate hardware platform.
v Using the DB2 Setup wizard to save the setup and configuration data according
to the input you provided. If you choose the option to create a response file in
the DB2 Setup Wizard, the response files (one for the server, and one for the
partition, if you are setting up a multi-partitioned environment) will be saved by
default at this location. The default names of the files are name1 and name2.
v Using the response file generator to create a response file from an existing
installed and configured DB2 product (Windows only).
response file installation can also be referred to as a silent installation or an
unattended installation.
Related concepts:
v “Response file considerations” on page 61
v “The response file generator (Windows)” in Installation and Configuration
Related tasks:
v “Creating a response file using the DB2 Setup wizard” on page 62
Related reference:
v “Available sample response files” in Installation and Configuration Supplement
v “Response file keywords (Windows and UNIX)” in Installation and Configuration
Response file considerations
You should understand the following considerations before proceeding with a
response file installation:
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