Infopops are disabled or re-enabled from the Documentation tab of the Tools
Settings notebook. To disable or enable infopops for the Configuration Assistant,
select the Display Infopops checkbox menu in the Help menu from the
Configuration Assistant tool.
Mandatory fields:
Mandatory fields are fields for which you must supply information. Mandatory
fields are displayed with thick red borders around the field. When information is
entered in the mandatory field, the red border is no longer displayed.
Help is available from icons on the toolbar or by using the Help menu.
displays help for getting started with the Control Center.
The Help menu displays menu items for displaying the online help index, general
information about the Control Center, and keyboard help. The menu also displays
the list of tutorials available with the DB2 product.
Related concepts:
v “Getting started with the Control Center” on page 42
v “Getting started with the Health Center” on page 49
Getting started with the Control Center
You can start the Control Center in the following ways:
v Enter the db2cc command.
v On Windows systems, click Start and select Programs —> IBM DB2 —> [DB2
copy name]—> General Administration Tools —> Control Center.
v On Linux systems, open the IBM DB2 folder on the desktop and select Control
Center. The first time you invoke the Control Center, you will be prompted to
select the view you want to display. The options are basic, advanced, and
custom. You can uncheck the Show this window box at startup time so this
windows does not appear every time you invoke the Control Center.
v Select Control Center from the Tools menu of another tool.
v Click the Control Center icon
from the toolbar of another tool.
42 Getting started with DB2 installation and administration