Jenn-Air SVE47500 Range User Manual

Since thecontrolsare a push-turntype,theymust bepusheddownbeforetuming_To set
(fromthe OFF position),pushdown on the controlknob and turnin eitherdirectionto
desired setting.
Whenthecontrol isinany position,other thanOFF, itmay beturnedinanydirectionwithout
A green indicatorlightwill glowwhen a surface heatingelement is ON. There are four
indicatorlights,one for each element.
1. Leftrear element(rear Energy-Saver orstandardgrill)
2. Leftfront element (frontEnergy-Saver)
3. Rightfront element (frontEnergy-Saveror standardgrill)
4. Rightroarelement(rear Energy-Saver)
NOTE: The "Energy-Saver" grillelement (right) is Included with Model
SVE47600 andmay bepurchased asan option forother models, it permits
utilizing only halfofthegrillarea, ifdesired, orusing dlfferentsettings forths
front and rear position of the element. When using this element, both
cooktop controls, front and rear, must beturned on in order touse the fu/!
NOTE SVE47500 Model: Only the left rear or the rightfront controlsmust
be turned on touse the full grill.
3. 4.
The sizeandtype ofcookwareand theamountandtypeoffoodbeingcookedwillinfluencethe
settingneeded for bestcookingresults. Electdca!voltagemay alsovary,whichwillaffect the
w_thyour range.
Hi Afast heat to start cooking quickty,tobring liquids to a boil,to preheat oUfor deep
fat frying. Use for most grtlllng.
7-10 (Medium High) For fast frying or browning foods, to maintain rapid boilof large
amounts of food, to maintain oi_temperature for deep fat frying.
5-6 (Medium) For foods cooked in a double boiler, sauteing, slow boil of large
amounts of food, and most frying.
34 (Medium Lo) To continue cooking foods started on higher settings.
Lo-2 Maintaining serving temperatures of foods, simmering foods, melting butter or
The controlsofferflexibilityinsetting selection. Onsettingsotherthan Hi,you may adjustthe
controlaboveorbelowthenumberedsettingforbestresults. Thisappliestosettingswhenusing
cooktop cartridgesorwhen usingthegrillorany ofthegrillaccessories. Suggestedsettingsare
providedas generalguidelines.