Jenn-Air SVE47500 Range User Manual

Thebuilt-inventilationsystemremovescookingvapors,odorsandsmokefrom foodsprepared
on the cooktop,grilland gril!accessories. Regular use of this system will insure a more
comfortableandlesshumidkitchenwhichisfree ofheavycookingodorsandfumes thatnormally
create a frequentneed for cleaningand redecorating.
The downdraffventitationsystemfeatures atwospeedfan.
The fan positionsare: HI, Lo, and OFF. To turn on the
ventilationsystem,touchtheFan Pad. Thefan wiUcome on
at the Hi speed. To set on Lo speed, touchthe Fan Pad
(oncefrom Hi settingor twicefrom the OFF position).
Abeep wiltsound everytimethe Fan Pad is touched=
Toturn the ventilationsystemOFF, touchtheFan Pad (oncefremLo speed ortwicefrom
Hi speed).
The ventilationsystemwilloperateautomatica/lyonHispeed whenthe grillelement isin
use. Dudnggrilling,thefan speed isautomaticallyset for the Hi settingANDcannot be
changedtoLo speed.
Use theHi fan speed forcapturing steam. Use Lo fan speed for capturing smokewhen
Besides using the ventilation system to remove cookingvapors and fumes, itcan be used
tocoolbaked pies or cakes, Tocootan item,setiton the air grilleandtum on the fan. The
air being pulledover the itemwillquickly coolit. Be careful not to cover the oven vent or
the entireair grille.
Air Grille
The air grilleliftsoffeasily. Wipe cfeanorwash insinkwith mild household detergents, Stmay
be cleaned inthe dishwasher. Note:Theovenventislocated undertheairgri|le, When using
orcleaningthe oven,hotandmoistairmaybe noticed_nthis area. Be careful nottospillanything
intothisvent, Removethe airgrille beforeself-cleaningthe oven. (See p.36.)
Turnoffventilationsystembeforeremoving. The fitteris a permanent
and liquiddishwashing detergentorindishwasher. Important: Filter
shouldalwaysbeplacedatan angle.Asyoufacethefrontoftherange,
thetopofthefiltershouldrest againsttheleftside oftheventopening
and the bottom ofthe filter should restagainstthe rightside ofthe
ventilationchamberat the bottom.DO NOT OPERATE SYSTEM WITHOUT FILTER.
Ventilation Chamber
Thisarea,whichhousesthefilter,shouldbecleanedintheevent ofspillsor wheneveritbecomes
coated witha filmofgrease, It may becleanedwithpapertowel,dampcloth,orspongeand mild
householddetergent, 9