Keating Of Chicago Gas Fryer Fryer User Manual

Flames come out front a. Exhaust problems. a. Install deflector to block down draft.
of fryer. Install or adjust flue restrictors. If problem
persists, contact your HVAC representative.
b. Radiants have slipped forward. b. Reposition radiants.
c. Flue blockage. c. Turn fryer and manual gas valve off. Let
flue cool and remove foreign objects.
Fryer has poor recovery a. Baskets overfilled. a. Don’t over fill baskets.
or runs cold. b. Fryer vessel overfilled with oil. b. Fill fryer up to “Fill Level” line as oil
expands when heated.
c. Carbon coating on heat transfer c. Boil-out fryer. See pages 8 & 9 – Cleaning
tubes. and Boil-out.
d. Radiant collapsed or out of d. Reposition or replace radiants.
e. Faulty or erratic thermostat. e. Replace thermostat.
f. Low gas supply or pressure f. Verify if size of incoming gas line to fryer
and manifold gas pressure are adequate.
Fryer is overheating. a. Thermostat bulb improperly placed. a. Adjust bulb position. See pages 10 & 11 –
Thermostat Bulb Positioning.
b. Thermostat out of calibration or b. Check calibration of thermostat
is faulty. and replace if necessary.
Oil in fryer vessel a. Oil is breaking down. a. Replace oil.
smokes. b. High carbon content in oil. b. Filter or replace oil.
c. Dirty fryer vessel. c. Boil-out fryer. See pages 8 & 9 – Cleaning
and Boil-out.
d. Inferior grade of oil. d. Check with oil supplier for higher grade oil.
e. Fryer is overheating and Hi-Limit e. Check thermostat calibration
control has failed. and bulb position (See pages 10 & 11) and
replace thermostat if necessary. Check if
Hi-Limit trips at 425°F. If not, replace Hi-
Oil in fryer vessel boils a. Baskets overfilled. a. Don’t over fill baskets.
over. b. Fryer vessel overfilled with oil. b. Fill fryer up to “Fill Level” line as oil
expands when heated.
c. Oil is breaking down and foaming. c. Replace oil.
d. Water in cold zone. d. Stir oil with a paddle until water boils off.
Filter oil. If water remains, let oil cool
and drain a quart of it.
Basket-Lift mechanism a. Connections are loose or timer a. Tighten connections. Replace timer if
won’t operate. faulty. faulty.
b. Motor limit switch is faulty. b. Replace limit switch (14” model).
Replace actuator (18” and above
c. Lift motor is faulty (14” model). c. Replace motor. Specify left or right side
motor when ordering.
d. Actuator is faulty (18” and d. Replace actuator.
above models).
e. Control circuit fuse has blown. e. Replace fuse (use type SC-5 in 14”
model and type SC-3 in 18” and above
f. Relay is faulty (18” and above f. Replace relay.
Basket-Lift motor runs, a. Cam is slipping on motor shaft a. Tighten cam onto flat on motor shaft.
but basket doesn’t move. (14” model).
Basket-Lift basket goes a. Basket-Lift motor limit switch is a. Align limit switch.
down, but won’t go up. misaligned (14” model).
Basket-Lift buzzer won’t a. Buzzer limit switch is misaligned a. Align limit switch.
shut off. (14” model).