Caring for the environment
Energy saving washing
This dishwasher is exceptionally eco‐
omical in its use of water and electrici‐
You can make the most of your appli‐
ance by following these tips:
– For most economical dishwashing,
e full use of the baskets without
overloading the dishwasher.
– Choose the programme to suit the
type of cr
ockery being washed and
the degree of soiling.
– Select the ECO pr
ogramme for ener‐
gy-saving dishwashing. This pro‐
gramme is the most efficient in terms
of its combined energy and water
consumption at cleaning normally
soiled crockery.
– If your dishwasher is connected to a
hot water supply select the SolarSave
programme for washing a lightly to
normally soiled load. Because the
water is not be heated in this pro‐
gramme, crockery may still be slightly
damper at the end of this programme
than it would be with other pro‐
– Follow the detergent manufacturer's
ecommendations on detergent dos‐
– When using powder or liquid deter‐
gent you can use
less det
ergent if
baskets are only half full.