Storage and Labeling
Freezer bags with the zipper-type tops are excellent for storing dried foods.
Place foods inside, squeeze out as much air as possible, then seal shut.
sealed, vacuum bags can also be used. Vacuum sealing will extend the shelf life
even longer. Glass jars that seal tight can also be used.
Store packaged foods in a dry, dark place. Cooler is better. Keeping foods in a
refrigerator or freezer will greatly extend the shelf life.
Light and heat cause the
deterioration process to accelerate. Remember to label and date all food to be
stored. Check food periodically for moisture beads or mold. If these appear,
redry food on trays to remove the remaining moisture.
If mold appears, scrape
off and then pasteurize the contents. Pasteurizing involves speading the food on
a cookie sheet, then baking at 175°F. for 15 minutes. Repack and store as
Most fruits, if properly dried and stored, will maintain a shelf life of up to 1 year.
Vegetables should be eaten within 6 months. Jerked meats should not be stored
for more than 2-3 months refrigerated. Jerky should be placed in the freezer for
long-term storage up to 1 year. Fish should be stored in the refrigerator or freez-
er up to 3 months.