8 C1547M (7/03)
6. Upgrade the CC1 system software executable file, CM9740.EXE:
a. Insert the System 9740 Operation Disk, Version 8.03.012, into the disk drive of the CC1.
b. Copy the CM9740.EXE executable file from the 9740 directory on the Operation Disk to the C:\9740 directory of the
CC1. At the C:\9740 prompt, enter:
copy a:\9740\cm9740.exe
7. Copy all configuration files saved to floppy disk in step 4 above to the C:\9740 directory of the CC1. (Be careful that you
do not copy the configuration files saved to floppy disk in step 1d(3) above.)
At the C:\9740 prompt, enter:
copy a:filename.*
is the name of the configuration file. For example, if the file name is node5, enter the following:
copy a:node5.*
CAUTION: If you need to modify the configuration files in the future, do not use the SET97XX program. Doing so
will corrupt the configuration files. When configuration files have been upgraded to version 8.03.012 in the
System Manager database (as was performed in step 3 above) and the upgraded files have been copied to the CC1, you
must use the System Manager program on the external PC to modify the files.
8. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot the node.
9. Verify that the system is operating properly.
10. Delete the old configuration files from the floppy disk that was used in step 1d(3) above or save the old configuration files
that are on the floppy disk as a backup of the earlier version. If you choose to save the old configuration files that are on
the floppy disk, be careful that you do not mistakenly copy the files back into the CC1 at a future time.
11. Repeat steps 1 and 3-10 for all other CM9740-CC1 nodes in the network. To upgrade CM9760-CC1 nodes in the network,
refer to the System 9760 Software Upgrade Installation Manual provided in the software upgrade kit for each node.
After all CC1 nodes are upgraded, proceed to step 12 to upgrade the CM9760-NW1.
12. Upgrade the CM9760-NW1 as follows:
a. If the motherboard included in the NW1 is a Tyan Tomcat or a Tyan Trinity 100AT motherboard, upgrade the RAM:
• If the motherboard is a Tyan Tomcat motherboard, install the two SIMMs provided in the CM9760-TOM-8312
upgrade kit. (SIMMs must be installed in pairs.)
• If the motherboard is a Tyan Trinity 100AT motherboard, remove the two SIMMs that are installed on the
motherboard and then install the DIMM provided in the CM9760-TRI-8312 upgrade kit.
Note that if the motherboard in the NW1 is an American Predator Raptor AT motherboard, you do not need to
upgrade the RAM.
For information about identifying whether the motherboard included in the NW1 is a Tyan Tomcat, Tyan Trinity
100AT, or American Predator Raptor AT motherboard and for instructions to upgrade RAM on a Tyan Tomcat or Tyan
Trinity 100AT motherboard, refer to the System 9760 Software Upgrade Installation Manual (CM9760-RAP-8312,
CM9760-TOM-8312, CM9760-TRI-8312).
b. Upgrade the NW1 system software executable file:
(1) Using the AT-compatible keyboard attached to the NW1, do the following:
(a) At the C:\NETWORK prompt, rename the executable file:
• If the executable file is named 9760NIU.EXE, rename the file to 9760NIU.OLD by entering:
rename 9760niu.exe 9760niu.old
• If the executable file is named NET9760.EXE, rename the file to NET9760.OLD by entering:
rename net9760.exe net9760.old