C1547M (7/03) 9
(b) Verify that the 9760NIU.EXE or NET9760.EXE file was renamed to 9760NIU.OLD or NET9760.OLD,
respectively, by entering:
(2) Insert the System 9760 Network Disk, version 8.03.012, into the disk drive of the NW1.
(3) Copy the executable file, 9760NIU.EXE, from the Network Disk to the C:\NETWORK directory on the hard drive
of the NW1. At the C:\NETWORK prompt, enter:
copy a:9760niu.exe
(4) If the earlier version of your executable file was named NET9760.EXE, edit the batch file, net.bat, to point to
9760NIU.EXE rather than to NET9760.EXE:
(a) At the C:\ prompt, change to the NETWORK directory by entering:
cd network
(b) Edit the net.bat file:
i. Enter the following:
edit net.bat
ii. Locate the line that reads as follows:
NODES (where
is the number of nodes in the network)
iii. Edit the line by changing NET9760 to 9760NIU so that the line reads as follows:
NODES (where
is the number of nodes in the network)
iv. Press Alt+F and then type the letter
to save the file.
v. Press Alt+F and then type the letter
to exit the file.
c. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot the CM9760-NW1. Note that you must press the Del key located under the number 3
key on the numeric keypad of your keyboard in order to reboot the system. Pressing the other Delete key that is
provided on the keyboard will not reboot the system.
13. Verify that the multi-node system is operating properly.