used as direct outputs from channels 3 and 4). The wiring is:
1 = ground, 2=L+, 3 = L–, 4=R+, 5=R–. There is a choice of output
levels: –20 dB or –60 dB, selectable by the switch immediately
below this connector.
ST OUT This unbalanced 3.5 mm stereo jack output provides
another stereo output for feeding unbalanced inputs (on a
camera, for example). The level is –60 dB.
SOURCE SELECT switch This allows the choice of whether
the MAIN and SUB connectors above output the mixed left and
right output busses (MIX), or whether they output the individual
channels in pairs (DIRECT OUT).
AES/EBU The KS-342 is capable of outputting the stereo output
in AES/EBU format. The sampling frequency is selectable with
the rotary switch beside the XLR-3 outputs at either 44.1K,
48K or 96K (all Hz). The • position represents the off position
(no digital signal is output).
When this digital output is enabled, it uses battery power. If you
are not using it, make sure that the switch is in the off position,
to extend the life of the batteries.
DC IN Use this to connect a DC power supply, providing between
+10 V and +15 V at no more than 600 mA. Wire the connector as
marked on the panel.