Binary Inputs
1. Trane Rover service tool uses the unit type to determine and download the proper default binary input configuration.
Analog Inputs
1. Trane Rover service tool uses the unit type to determine and download the proper default analog input configuration.
2. Analog input 3 (AI 3) configured as generic temperature input does not affect unit operation. When configured, the Tracer™ ZN.520 Unit
Controller communicates the generic temperature value to Rover or Tracer Summit and displays it as generic temperature.
Table 11: Binary input summary
Binary input Configuration Valid range
BI 1 Low coil temperature detection or not used
Normally open
Normally closed
BI 2 Not used
Normally open
Normally closed
BI 3 Occupancy, generic, or not used
Normally open
Normally closed
BI 4 Fan status or not used
Normally open
Normally closed
Table 12: Analog input summary
Analog input Configuration Calibration range
Zone Space temperature
+/- 10.0°F
(0.1°F resolution)
Set Setpoint (hardwired)
+/- 10.0°F
(0.1°F resolution)
Fan Fan switch NA
AI 1 Entering water temperature NA
AI 2 Discharge air temperature NA
AI 3
Outdoor air temperature or generic temperature input
(Note 2)
AI 4
Humidity, CO2 or generic
4-20mA input