
The Speedcook Oven The Speedcook Oven
The Speedcook Oven
6. Select “Done” to confirm changes or “Original Settings” to return to the originally-programmed settings.
NOTE: If “Cook Another” is selected at the end of the cook cycle, the oven will use the exact same settings used for the previous cook
cycle – including any adjustments made in the Advanced Cook Mode.
Adjustments made in the Advanced Cook Mode of a preprogrammed cook setting or to a cook setting already in Favorites are saved
temporarily to Favorites under “View Last Cooked (10)” (see page 7). The original preprogrammed or saved setting will not be altered.
To permanently save your adjustment(s), the item must be permanently saved or re-saved to Favorites (see page 15).
Saving to Favorites
“Saving to Favorites” enables you to store and easily recall up to 9,999 of your own custom cook settings.
To save to Favorites:
1. Choose “Save to Favorites” at any of the following times:
Continued on page 16.
Select “Done” to conrm changes. The oven will return to the “Begin Preheat” screen.
Select “Original Settings” to restore the originally-programmed settings.
Any time there is a pause in the cook cycle. Selecting “Save to Favorites” will
end the current cook cycle and allow you to store and rename the setting.
When a cook cycle is 80% complete. Selecting “Save to Favorites” will end the
current cook cycle. For more information about making adjustments in the
middle of a cook cycle, see page 9.
At the end of a cook cycle.
When selecting a recently-cooked dish from “View Last Cooked (10).”