Vizio F20024B Oven User Manual

CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall BBrrooiilliinngg
Broiling is a dry-heat cooking method using direct or radiant heat. It is used
for small individualized cuts such as steaks, chops, and patties. Broiling is
most successful for cuts of meat 1-2 inches thick. Conventional broiling is
also more suitable for flat pieces of meat. Your oven contains a top broil
element to provide additional flexibility for broiling foods such as "stuffed
lobster" and for top browning casseroles, meringues, etc. Broiling speed is
determined by the distance between the food and the broil element. On
regular conventional broiling, heat is radiated from both broil elements at
full power. For "fast" broiling, food may be as close as 2 inches to the broil
element. "Fast" broiling is best for meats where "rare to medium"
doneness is desired. The mini-broil setting is designed for "slow" broiling.
Only the center broil element operates for partial power. For "slow"
broiling, allow about 4 inches between the top surface of the food and the
broil element. "Slow" broiling is best for chicken and ham in order to broil
food without over browning it.
CCoonnvveeccttiioonn BBrrooiilliinngg ((uuppppeerr oovveenn oonnllyy))
Convection broiling has the advantage of broiling food slightly quicker than
conventional. Convection broiling of meats produces better results
especially for thick cuts. The meat sears on the outside and retains more
juices and natural flavor inside with less shrinkage.
TToo UUssee MMaaxxii--BBrrooiill::
1. Arrange the oven rack in the desired position before turning broiler on.
2. Center the food on cold broiler pan and grid supplied with your oven.
Place broiler pan in oven.
3. Set the Oven Function Selector to Maxi-Broil and the Temperature
Control knob to Broil.
4. Close the door. With open door broiling the broil element does not
cycle on and off. With closed door broiling the broil element might
cycle on and off if an extended broiling time is required. A built-in
smoke "eliminator" in the top of the oven helps reduce smoke and
TToo UUssee MMiinnii--BBrrooiill::
Follow same steps as listed above except set the Oven Function Selector to
CCoonnvveeccttiioonn RRooaassttiinngg CChhaarrtt
F) (min/lb) TEMP(
Rib Roast 4 - 6 325
•Rare 20 140
•Medium 24 155
•Well done 30 170
Rump Roast 4 - 6 325
•Medium 20 155
•Well done 24 170
Tip Roast 3 - 4 325
•Medium 30 155
•Well done 35 170
Lamb Leg 3 - 5 325 30 180
Pork Loin 3 - 5 325 30 180
Pork Chops
1" thick 1 - 1¼ 325 45 - 50 N/A
Total Time
Ham, fully
Cooked 325 15 130
Whole 3-4 350 25 180
Unstuffed 12 - 16 325 11 180
Unstuffed 20 - 24 325 11 180
Stuffed 12 - 16 325 9 - 10 180
Stuffed 20 - 24 325 9 - 10 180
Turkey Breast 4 - 6 325 20