API Guide
601355 Rev A API Functions 2-961
The API must be initialized with a call to VS_Initialize
before this function can be executed.
VolServ generates no intermediate status in response to a
Mount request.
VSCMD_Mount does not trigger any MediaClass callbacks
from VolServ.
Depending on the number of available drives and pending
Mount requests, a specific Mount request can take a relatively
long time to satisfy.
A drive that is specified in a Mount request may not be the ideal
drive on which to mount the specified medium. It may take
considerably longer to mount the medium onto the drive than if
a drive pool had been specified.
The VSID_MOVEWAIT_OPTION option has no affect on a
Mount request for a medium and drive associated with the same
If the specified drive is locked, the appropriate lock identifier
must be supplied if that drive is considered in the selection
If a specified or selected drive is locked and the Mount request
does not specify a lock identifier, VolServ returns an
intermediate status message with a “drive locked” indication.
VolServ then waits for the drive to become unlocked to
continue execution of the command.
If the Mount request specifies a MediaClass group or a list of
media and the reclassify option is selected, the reclassify to a
different MediaClass group occurs after a specific medium is
selected to satisfy the Mount request. Only the selected
medium is reclassified.