API Guide
601355 Rev A API Functions 2-447
VSID_ASSIGNED_BINS (VST_COUNT *) Pointer to the number of bins to be assigned
to this media type classification within the
Pointer to a flag indicating whether automatic
import is allowable for the archive.
Pointer to a flag indicating whether automatic
checkin is active for the archive.
VSID_BATCH_NAME (VST_BATCH_NAME) Pointer to the batch name to be assigned to
automatically imported/checked in media.
Valid batch names may contain up to 32
alphanumeric characters, including spaces.
Leading and trailing spaces are not permitted.
VSID_CAPACITY (VST_CAPACITY *) Pointer to the maximum number of media of
this media type classification that can be in
this archive.
VSID_FILL_LEVEL (VST_FILL_LEVEL *) Pointer to the current number of media of this
media type classification in this archive.
VSID_HIGH_MARK (VST_HIGH_MARK *) Pointer to the percentage of VSID_CAPACITY
above which the specified migration policy
option is performed or initiated.
VSID_LOW_MARK (VST_LOW_MARK *) Pointer to the percentage of VSID_CAPACITY
below which the specified migration policy
option is performed or terminated.
Pointer to the manufacturer to be assigned to
automatically imported/checked in media.
Valid manufacturer names may contain up to
32 alphanumeric characters, including
spaces. Leading and trailing spaces are not
Pointer to the MediaClass classification where
automatically imported/checked in media are
Parameter Type Description