API Guide
2-1048 API Functions 601355 Rev A
Return Values
VSCMD_Reprioritize returns:
- Successful execution if the API is operating in
synchronous mode
- Good initial status received if the API is operating in
asynchronous mode
• VSE_FALSE - The request failed. A return code of
VSE_FALSE (which is 0) means the request failed.
- To determine where the error occurred, and what the
error was, the client queries the request’s error handle
(with VS_Error_GetFields) to retrieve the error
handle’s object code.
- If the object code’s value is VSE_NONE, the client
must query the global error code (VSG_Error) to
determine where the error occurred.
• VSE_ERR_BADHANDLE - Specified handle was not a valid
command handle.
• VSE_ERR_NULLHANDLE - Specified handle was a null
- If the object code’s value is VSE_VOLSERV, the error
occurred in VolServ and the client uses
VST_ERROR_NUMCODE to identify the specific error.
- If the object code’s value is not VSE_VOLSERV and is
not VSE_NONE, the error occurred in the API and the
client uses VST_ERROR_CODE to identify the
specific error.
• VSE_ERR_BADFIELD - An invalid parameter was