API Guide
2-200 API Functions 601355 Rev A
Return Values
VS_DrivePool_GetFields returns:
• VSE_TRUE - Successful execution.
• VSE_FALSE - API failure - The appropriate error code is
set in VSG_Error.
• VSE_ERR_BADFIELD - An invalid parameter was
• VSE_ERR_BADHANDLE - Specified handle was not a drive
pool handle.
• VSE_ERR_NULLHANDLE - Specified handle was a null
• VSE_ERR_OUTOFRANGE - An index value was out of
(int, VST_DRIVE_ID *)
Index of the drive in the drive handle table.
Pointer to the location to store the drive
Pointer to the name associated with the drive
pool group. Valid drive pool names may
contain up to 16 alphanumeric characters,
including spaces. Leading and trailing spaces
are not permitted.
VSID_NUMBER_DRIVE_HANDLES (int *) Pointer to the number of drive handles in the
drive handle table.
Parameter Type Description