API Guide
601355 Rev A API Functions 2-879
Identifier of the enterprise, if any, to receive
final status on this request.
VSID_PRIORITY (VST_PRIORITY) The requested execution priority for this
request. Assignable priority values are
restricted to a range from 1 (highest) to 32
(lowest) inclusive. The default priority value is
Indicates whether information is requested for
all drives known to the VolServ system or for
the drives identified in a list specified with the
Drive Query request. Valid
VSE_QUERY_OPTION values are enumerated
in the vs_types.h file.
VSID_RETRY_LIMIT (VST_RETRY_LIMIT) Number of times the API software retries for
command status from VolServ before
returning a time-out to the client software for
this request. VSID_RETRY_LIMIT is not
applicable when the API software executes in
asynchronous mode.
Flag indicating whether the API software waits
for final status from VolServ (or times-out) for
this request. Valid options are VSE_TRUE (API
software waits for final status) and
VSE_FALSE (API software does not wait for
final status). Also determines whether the API
software operates in synchronous mode
(VSE_TRUE) or in asynchronous mode
(VSE_FALSE). The default
VSID_TIMEOUT_VALUE (VST_TIME_OUT) Amount of time (in seconds) the API software
waits for status from VolServ before returning
a time-out to the client software for this
request. The default time-out value is 120
Parameter Type Description