API Guide
2-782 API Functions 601355 Rev A
Drives belonging to a single drive pool can be associated with
different archives. Drives are not required to be associated with
an archive to belong to a drive pool.
Drive pools can contain drives that support incompatible media
If a drive pool is specified on a Mount request and the specified
drive pool spans archives, VolServ may select a drive to honor
the Mount request that is in a different archive than the medium
that is selected to honor the request. If this occurs, a
Move-Mount action is required. If permitted, the medium is
scheduled for ejection from its parent archive and eventually
entered into the archive associated with the assigned drive.
Whether or not Move-Mount action processing is permitted is
specified at the archive level. The ACTION_MODE and
MOVEWAIT_OPTION attributes control whether or not
Move-Mount processing is allowed for a specific archive.
These attributes are discussed under the
VS_Archive_SetFields and
VS_Archive_GetFields functions.
The total length of time the API software waits for a command
status in synchronous mode from VolServ is
(VSID_RETRY_LIMIT plus 1) multiplied by
If the VSID_ENTERPRISE_ID parameter is set to any value
other than zero, the final status for this request is returned to the
enterprise registered with VolServ.
When the API software is operating in asynchronous mode,
client software must call VS_Select to receive final status on
a Create Pool request submitted through the API interface to the
VolServ system.