API Guide
2-962 API Functions 601355 Rev A
If the reclassify option is selected, the receiving MediaClass
group is checked for compatible media type as well as having
adequate capacity for another medium (i.e., fill level less than
capacity). If either condition is not satisfied, the Mount request
A pending Mount request (awaiting drive or medium) can be
If no drive specified on a Mount request is on-line, the Mount
request fails.
If a medium and/or drive is specified and either the medium or
drive (or both) are presently in-use, the Mount request waits for
resources and returns intermediate status indicating the reason
for the delay.
When specifying a drive pool that contains drives that support
different types of media, only those drives that support the
media type of the media specified in the Mount request are
considered for selection.
If a list of media specified in a Mount request contains media of
more than one type, the request fails.
When a medium/drive pairing requires the medium be moved
within a single archive system (such as cross-aisle or
inter-manipulator unit) the mount may take a while to complete.
The VSID_MOVEWAIT_OPTION setting does NOT apply to
intra-archive system movement.
When a Mount request with groups of media and/or drives is
submitted, VolServ attempts to select a drive/medium pair
where the drive and medium are associated with the same
archive. If there are multiple drive/medium pair candidates,
VolServ selects a drive/medium pair from the archive with a
free drive if, possible.