API Guide
601355 Rev A API Functions 2-643
Name of a drive pool group to vary the state of
all drives associated with the drive pool group.
Valid drive pool names may contain up to 16
alphanumeric characters, including spaces.
Leading and trailing spaces are not permitted.
Not necessary when specifying a drive list or
drive identifier.
Identifier of the enterprise, if any, to receive
final status for this request.
VSID_PRIORITY (VST_PRIORITY) The requested execution priority for this
command. Assignable priority values are
restricted to the range from 1 (highest) to 32
(lowest) inclusive. The default priority value is
VSID_RETRY_LIMIT (VST_RETRY_LIMIT) Number of times the API software is to retry
for command status from VolServ before
returning a time-out to the client software for
this request. VSID_RETRY_LIMIT is not
applicable when the API software executes in
asynchronous mode.
Flag indicating whether the API software waits
for final status from VolServ (or times-out) for
this request. Valid options are VSE_TRUE
(API software waits for final status) and
VSE_FALSE (API software does not wait for
final status). Also determines whether the API
software operates in synchronous mode
(VSE_TRUE) or in asynchronous mode
(VSE_FALSE). The default
VSID_TIMEOUT_VALUE (VST_TIME_OUT) The default time-out value is 120 seconds.
Parameter Type Description