Selecting parts of an image
Last updated 7/26/2011
Copying a selection from one image to another
A. Part of the original photo selected B. Photo to copy and paste into original C. Resulting image
1 Use the Copy command to copy the part of the photo you want to paste. (You can even copy from photos in other
2 Make a selection in the photo into which you want to paste the copied photo.
Note: The copied photo appears only within the selection border. You can move the copied photo within the border, but
if you move it completely out of the border, it won’t be visible.
3 Choose Edit > Paste Into Selection.
4 With your pointer within the selection border, drag the pasted image to the proper location.
5 When you’re satisfied with the results, deselect the pasted image to commit the changes.
To activate the Move tool when another tool is selected, hold down the Command key. (This technique does not work
with the Hand tool.)
Saving selections
Save, load, or delete a selection
Saving a selection allows you to edit a selected area of a photo at a later time. You can work on other parts of the photo
before loading the saved selection.