Color and tonal correction
Last updated 7/26/2011
• Choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast to make adjustments to a layer.
2 Drag the sliders to adjust the brightness and contrast, then click OK.
Dragging to the left decreases the level; dragging to the right increases it. The number at the right of each slider displays
the brightness or contrast value.
Quickly lighten or darken isolated areas
The Dodge tool and the Burn tool lighten or darken areas of the image. You can use the Dodge tool to bring out details
in shadows and the Burn tool to bring out details in highlights.
Original image (left), after using the Burn tool (top center), and after using the Dodge tool (bottom right)
1 Select the Dodge tool or the Burn tool . If you do not see these tools, look for the Sponge tool .
2 Set tool options in the options bar:
Brushes pop-up menu Sets the brush tip. Click the arrow next to the brush sample, choose a brush category from the
Brushes pop-up menu, and then select a brush thumbnail.
Size Sets the size of the brush, in pixels. Drag the Size slider or enter a size in the text box.
Range Sets the image tonal range that the tool adjusts. Select Midtones to change the middle range of grays, Shadows
to change the dark areas, and Highlights to change the light areas.
Exposure Sets the effect of the tool with each stroke. A higher percentage increases the effect.
To dodge or burn an area gradually, set the tool to a low exposure value and drag several times over the area you want
to correct.
3 Drag over the part of the image you want to modify.
More Help topics
“Adjust saturation and hue” on page 119